Monday, April 16, 2012

The babies are getting bigger. The first batch of yellow puff balls now have wings with real feathers, and are starting to change their colors from the ubiquitous yellow to streaks of brown and white.
Their first experience with some other than baby chick food was yesterday when I gave them some cracked wheat bread crusts. That must be their favorite food because those little babies scampered and pushed and fought over those crusts so much I had to give them more, and more!
I have no experience in transitioning the new chicks in with the 3 girls so in an effort to help them be accepted when the time does come, I took some of the wood shavings with chickie poop in it and sprinkled in the coop, hoping familiarizing them with the scent before we make the move will help.
My 3 girls get to play outside almost every day, at least for a little while, but rustling them up at dusk is sometimes an adventure. I have discovered their favorite food is tortilla chips, so every evening now, I grab a chip bag with a few chip crumbles in it and start shaking, wandering around the yard, yelling, "bock, bock, HERE girlies, girlie, girlie, girlies, bock, bock" until they all come running, Red leading the way, with Blackie and Hawkie poking along behind her. I thank my lucky stars the neighbors are too far away to hear my voice, and realize I am indeed, THE CRAZY CHICKEN LADY of the neighborhood :)

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