Friday, April 6, 2012

The eggs started coming. You'd think after a while, the magic would wear off, but I swear, every single egg I collect is as exciting as the one before. If I go out to check and one of the girls is sitting, I keep going back, pestering her, until she lays it! Three girls, three eggs, three beautiful tasty miracles, almost every day!
I do miss the double yolk ones Pinkie used to give at least once a week. Those eggs were something even more magical!
But the best part of the eggs is Rylie's reaction. She'll ask, "Grandma, did the girls lay dem eggs special for ME?"
"Yes, Rylie, they sure did." (and really, honestly, if it weren't for Rylie, there'd be no girls, and with no girls, there'd be no eggs, so they are truly laying dem eggs ALL special for her!)
....and of course, she loved the 'double o-kers' most of all....Every egg we broke open she'd get excited, anticipating maybe it'd be one of the most special kind.
Hawkie was the first layer and has always been the most faithful and dependable layer. Initially, her eggs were tiny, almost robin sized, but always tasty. But over time, hers have gotten to be almost as large as the others. Their bluish green color is beautiful, and their taste is simply heavenly.
I've even learned to boil them successfully by pouring a generous splash of vinegar in the water to make them easier to peel.
I just filled dozen #50. 600 eggs since last August. Isn't that some milestone???

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